


Research Groups


The analysis group works on a variety of themes of modern analysis including: Harmonic analysis on n-dimensional Euclidean space, Harmonic analysis on Lie groups, abstract harmonic analysis, operator algebras on Hilbert spaces, unitary representations of locally compact groups, and the theoretic foundations of wavelet analysis.

Karl Dilcher (Regular Faculty)
Peter Fillmore (Professor Emeritus)
Andrea Fraser (Regular Faculty)
C. C. A. Sastri (Adjunct, 最新杏吧原创)
Keith Taylor (Regular Faculty)
Tony Thompson (Professor Emeritus)
Eva Curry (Adjunct, Acadia)

Applied Mathematics

Current active areas of research include: differential equations, differential geometry, dynamical systems, asymptotic and numerical analysis, applications to mathematical biology and mathematical physics. For more information about the group, contact r.nowakowski@dal.ca.

Jason Brown (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
John Clements (Adjunct, 最新杏吧原创)
Caroline Cochran (Adjunct, Acadia University)
David Iron (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Andrew Irwin (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Jeannette Janssen (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Theodore Kolokolnikov (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Robert Milson (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Richard Nowakowski (Emeritus, 最新杏吧原创)
Chelluri Sastri (Emeritus, 最新杏吧原创)
Roman Smirnov (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Paul C. Hines (Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 最新杏吧原创)
Dan Hutt (Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)
Paul Muir (Adjunct, SMU)

Categories, Algebra, Topology - ATCAT

Our research interests focus on pure and applied category theory, including double categories, bicategories, enriched categories, higher dimensional category theory, adjunctions, categorical lattice theory, complete distributivity, Hopf algebras, homological algebra, operator theory, categorical logic, the mathematical foundations of computer science, the semantics of programming languages, models of quantum computing, computational category theory, constructive mathematics, topos theory, and the categorical theory of database systems.

ATCAT is our weekly seminar in which topics related to category theory (algebra, logic, topology, category theory itself, etc.) are discussed. We meet on Tuesdays, starting at 2:30. Everyone is welcome. If you wish to be put on the mailing list, contact Julien Ross.

Geoff Cruttwell (Adjunct, Mount Allison)
Robert Dawson (Adjunct, Saint Mary's)
Sara Faridi (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Toby Kenney (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Mitja Mastnak (Adjunct, Saint Mary's)
Bob Par茅 (Professor Emeritus, 最新杏吧原创)
Dorette Pronk (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Bob Rosebrugh (Adjunct, Mount Allison)
Julien Ross (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Peter Selinger (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Richard Wood (Professor Emeritus, 最新杏吧原创)

Environmental Statistics

Environmental Statistics is concerned with the development and application of statistical methods for the environmental sciences for the purpose of addressing pressing environmental problems facing society.

Its general goal is the characterization and analysis of spatial and temporal variability in environmental observations. This often requires the fusion of discipline specific dynamical models with the techniques of statistical data analysis. A particular emphasis of the group is on problems in the marine ecology and oceanography. An important challenge ahead is the development of novel techniques for the effective treatment of the complex data data types emerging from new technologies and advanced observing systems.

Michael Dowd works on Inverse problems, Environmental Statistics and Ecosystem Modeling. Chris Field focuses on Robust Statistics, Molecular Evolution and Data Analysis. Joanna Mills Flemming has interests in Longitudinal Data, Environmental Risk Assessment and State Space Models. David Hamilton specializes in Statistical Genetics, Linear and Nonlinear Regression, Design of Experiments and Data Analysis. Bruce Smith is interested in Time Series, Statistical Genetics and Clinical Trials; and Keith Thompson in Time Series Analysis and Applications to Oceanography. For more information about the group, contact michael.dowd@dal.ca.

Michael Dowd (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Chris Field (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Joanna Mills Flemming (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
David Hamilton (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Andrew Irwin (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Orla Murphy (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Bruce Smith (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)

General Relativity and Cosmology

Current active areas of research include: general relativity, black holes, higher dimensional Lorentzian geometry, cosmology. For more information about the group, contact alan.coley@dal.ca.

Alan Coley (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
R.Van Den Hoogen (Adjunct, St.F.X.)
Sigbjorn Hervik (Adjunct, Stavanger)

Graphs and Games

Our interests are Graph Theory, Combinatorics (Hypergraph Theory, Matroids, Simplicial Complexes, Partial Orders) and Combinatorial Games and associated Algorithms and Applications. Also, techniques applied are from a variety of mathematical fields, including linear and commutative algebra, matrix theory, algebraic topology, analysis and probability.

Current active areas of research include: include analysis of large scale information networks (e.g. web graph); chromatic and independence polynomials; combinatorial games; combinatorial optimization; frequency planning in cellular networks; independence parameters and coverings of products of graphs; list colourings; network reliability; partial orders; vertex-to-vertex (Searching and Cops & Robber) pursuit games; well covered graphs; and applications of graph theory to music.

For more information, visit webpage

Jason Brown (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Jeannette Janssen (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Richard Nowakowski (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)

Number Theory

Number Theory at 最新杏吧原创 can be described as having a "classical flavour", with modern applications and using modern tools. Experimental methods, making use of computer algebra systems such as Maple, play an important role.

The research of Karl Dilcher and his students and visitors is mainly in the areas of elementary and combinatorial number theory, often related to special functions and to various types of sequences of numbers and polynomials. This is also related to analytic questions such as the distribution of zeros of polynomials. The research done by Keith Johnson and his students is more algebraic, with some connections to topology. His main research topics involve different questions related to integer-
valued polynomials and generalizations.

For more information about the group, contact keith.johnson@dal.ca.

Karl Dilcher (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Keith Johnson (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Rob Noble (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)



Statistical Genetics and Bioinformatics

The statistical genetics and bioinformatics group considers statistical issues in a diverse set of topic areas including human genetics, genetics of natural populations, evolutionary biology and computational genomics as well as meta-genomics.

Joseph Bielwaski works with Statistical Genetics, Molecular Evolution, Environmental Genomics. Chris Field's interests include Robustness, Molecular Biology, Marine Ecology, Saddlepoint Approximations. Hong Gu has focuses in Multivariate Statistics, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution. David Hamilton has specializations in Statistical Genetics, Linear and Nonlinear Regression, Design of Experiments and Data Analysis. Lam Ho has interests in Statistical Theory and Methods, Evolutionary Biology and Epidemiology. Bruce Smith concentrates on Time Series, Statistical Genetics and Clinical Trials; and Ed Susko works in the fields of Molecular Evolution, Bioinformatics, Mixture Models and Machine Learning. For more information about the group, contact hgu@dal.ca.

Joseph Bielawski (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Chris Field (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Hong Gu (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
David Hamilton (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Lam Ho (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Andrew Irwin (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Bruce Smith (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)
Edward Susko (Regular Faculty, 最新杏吧原创)