Notices for November 29, 2021
Today's notices:
Monday, November 29, 2021
Don't miss out on the great deals on offer both in-store and online as part of Dal Bookstore's 2nd annual Cyber Sale along with free shipping in Canada on purchases of $75 or more!
Monday, November 29, 2021
Flags have been lowered in memory of John Yogis, Professor Emeritus of the Schulich School of Law, who passed away earlier this month.
Monday, November 29, 2021
ENVS/SUST 3502: Resource and Environmental Problem-Solving II: The Campus as a Living Laboratory (3 x 90h positions), Winter 2022.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Nominate a student for ×îÐÂÐÓ°ÉÔ´´'s award for exceptional contributions or leadership in the extracurricular realm. Nominations close Friday, January 14.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Nominations are now open for Dal's award recognizing faculty or staff who have provided outstanding service, other than teaching, to students. Nominations close January 28.