Funding, News and Announcements
» Go to news mainScience Meets Parliament 2021
The Canadian Science Policy Centre in partnership with Canada's Chief Science Advisor Dr. Mona Nemer is pleased to announce that Science Meets Parliament will return in 2021 in an expanded format.
Science Meets Parliament is an annual event that offers scientists working in Canada a unique opportunity to develop their understanding of the parliamentary process, to explore their role in modern political decision-making, and experience a day behind the scenes on Parliament Hill to meet with Members of Parliament (MPs) and Senators, attend House and Senate committee meetings, discuss scientific research, and become familiar with the political process.
The program will be available to two streams:
- Researchers who currently hold a Tier II Canada Research Chair position and are affiliated with a Canadian post-secondary institution (Tier II Canada Research Chair status must be announced by January 4th, 2021).
- Indigenous researchers.
For more information on the program as well as eligibility and how to apply, please on the CPSC website.
The application deadline is January 4th, 2021.
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