Funding, News and Announcements
» Go to news mainAnnouncing Canada BioImaging
Dear Colleagues,
We are very excited to announce the launch of the very first CNSP technology node!
The goals of the new Canadian bioimaging network are:
- Build a BioImaging Network in Canada – connect imaging facilities and imaging scientists across Canada, exchange experience, learn from one another, support career developmentÂ
- Educate the BioImaging Community – work together to promote, plan, coordinate courses/workshops/training opportunities across Canada. List events on the CBI webpage, share technical expertise for common equipment between platforms, job shadowing programs, travel to platforms to learn about different technologies and collect preliminary data for grant applications
Our first course is the Neuro Quantitative Super Resolution Course in Montreal next week.
Follow us on twitter for updates during the course:
Our first job shadowing event is also next week. See the [PDF - 232 KB]. For more information on job shadowing opportunities for imaging scientists or as imaging platform hosts email us:
Claire M. Brown, PhD
Chair – Executive Committee, Canada BioImaging
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