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Canada鈥慐U Research News

Posted by Maeghan Murphy on June 7, 2013 in Research News and Reports

The following text is from NSERC:

Canada-EU Research News

With the last call for Marie Curie International Fellowships now open, ERA-Can is actively preparing for the launch of Horizon 2020, the next version of the Framework Programme. It will run from January 2014 to December 2020 but the first calls will be issued this fall!

Horizon 2020 will address new research priorities in Europe but many of the specific programs and processes that Canadians have become familiar with in FP7 will continue. For example, Horizon 2020 will continue to issue annual calls for proposals for strategic large-scale multinational projects though they will now be focused on six major societal challenges. Similarly, Marie Curie Actions for mobility and advanced research training will continue though they will soon be called Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.

1. Marie Curie International Fellowships

Final FP7 Call and First H2020 Calls

The calls for proposals for the 2013 Marie Curie International Fellowships were on March 14th. Proposals are due August 14th. International Outgoing Fellowships provide full funding for European post-doctoral fellows to spend 1-2 years working in a Canadian research institution. International Incoming Fellowships fund Canadian researchers work for 1-2 years in Europe. If you would like assistance in completing a proposal, please contact the ERA-Can secretariat.
There remains only one FP7 call, for research on the Future Internet, that will be published to the CORDIS website on June 28, 2013. Any researchers interested in responding, may wish to communicate with their European colleagues or contact ERA-Can for further information.

Note: the first Horizon 2020 calls will also focus on ICT research. They will be launched November 6-8, 2013, at a conference in Vilnius, Lithuania. For more information, please visit: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/ict-2013.

2. Canadians in FP7

a) 鈥.鈥
We have compiled a collection of success stories about researchers in universities and companies across Canada who have been part of FP7 projects and the impact their research has had here and around the world.

b) List of Canadians in FP7 on ERA-Can website up-to-date
ERA-Can maintains a with one or more Canadian partners on our website. We have just updated the list to reflect new projects from the last year. Overall, there are currently 298 Canadians participating in 256 projects.

3. EURAXESS Links North America

is a unique European Research Area (ERA) initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services for researchers wishing to pursue careers in Europe. It offers access to the job market; assists researchers in advancing their careers in a European country and supports research organizations in their search for outstanding research talent. EURAXESS is a truly pan-European initiative, supported by 40 participating countries across Europe and the 6 EURAXESS Links countries outside Europe.

So far, EURAXESS Links has been launched in the USA, Japan, China, India, ASEAN and Brazil. As of June 2013 EURAXESS Links USA opens up to researchers and research organizations based in Canada changing its name to . Scientists can profit from all the services offered by EURAXESS Links North America such as the monthly newsletter filled with job and funding opportunities in Europe, participation and co-organization of events across North America, collaboration opportunities with European as well non-European partners, personal assistance by the European EURAXESS Network before, during and after their relocation to Europe. Academic and private research organizations can upload job vacancies in any research field to the website free of charge and search in the pool of over 14 000 CVs of researchers currently available in the EURAXESS Jobs database.

To contact EURAXESS Links North America directly, please send an e-mail to: northamerica@euraxess.net

4. ERA-Can Social media

ERA-Can has been building its presence on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These pages are up-to-date with information on Events, Calls for Proposals and FP7 projects with Canadian partners. We hope that through these forums you will be able to connect better not only with ERA-Can but with other researchers in your field.

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